How to Live a Long Life – 8 Habits
That Can Help You Live Longer

How to Live a Long Life – 8 Habits
That Can Help You Live Longer

If you want to live a long life, there are some things you can do. A few of these
habits are based on scientific research hollywoodinfive, while others are rooted in traditional wisdom.
Regardless of the specifics, all of them will help you avoid certain diseases and boost
your overall health.

  1. Make a habit of doing physical activity on a regular basis.
    Whether it’s jogging, swimming, or lifting weights, exercise can significantly reduce
    your risk of death. It’s also a great way to maintain your weight and prevent disease,
    such as heart disease.
  2. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
    Diet plays a huge role in your overall health, and it can help you feel good and live
    longer. Eating right will also keep your energy levels high and lower your risk for
    heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses.
  3. Stay away from smoking.
    Smoking can increase your risk for heart disease, lung cancer and other serious
    ailments. Taking up a smoke-free lifestyle can extend your lifespan by two to four
    years, according to one study.
  4. Be optimistic about your future and take steps to improve it.
    A positive outlook can have a major impact on your long-term health, says Dr.
    Pacheco. Optimists have better moods and are less likely to develop depression,
    stress or anxiety, which can lead to illness and premature death.
  1. Be active in the community.
    People who participate in organized sports or other community activities tend to
    have higher lifespans than those who don’t, a recent study finds. Getting involved in
    volunteer work can also strengthen your social network and lead to new friendships.
  2. Keep up with your doctor’s appointments and tests.
    Having regular medical checkups and getting a full body scan can help you catch
    diseases early, so that you can treat them before they become serious.
  3. Get enough sleep.
    Getting the recommended amount of sleep each night can lower your risk of obesity,
    heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. You’ll be more energized and
    your immune system will be stronger if you get enough sleep, too.
  4. Practice meditation or yoga.
    Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and de-stress, which can both help you

avoid disease and promote longevity. Try a short meditation practice or deep
breathing exercise in the morning before you start your day, and again at night
before bedtime.

  1. Don’t forget to drink lots of water.
    Water helps keep you hydrated and nourishes your organs and bones, so be sure to
    consume it throughout the day.
  2. Wear safety gear, such as a seatbelt.
    Wearing safety equipment such as a seatbelt can significantly reduce your risk of
    fatal accidents. Accidents are a leading cause of premature death in children and
  3. Wear a helmet when riding a bike or motorcycle.
    A recent study found that wearing a helmet can cut your risk of head injuries by as
    much as 50%, making it one of the best ways to increase your longevity.